Top rated VR headsets for 2024

by | Feb 21, 2024 | VR | 0 comments

Virtual reality (VR) technology has come a long way, and in 2024, it’s not just for gaming anymore. With a focus on work and productivity, let’s explore the top-rated VR headsets: Meta Quest 3, Immersed Visor, and Apple Vision Pro, and discuss their pros and cons for professional use. I have personally been using my Meta Quest and the Immersed app to create an environment that lets me focus on the tasks and removes distractions around me from the real world.

Meta Quest 3

The Meta Quest 3 has made significant strides in the VR industry, offering a blend of affordability, performance, and mixed reality capabilities that cater to both enthusiasts and professionals. Here’s a detailed description of the headset based on user experiences and expert reviews.

Design and Comfort

The Meta Quest 3 is designed with a slimmer profile and improved weight distribution, which enhances comfort during extended use. Users have reported that the comfort is a notable improvement over previous models, although some have experienced discomfort on the cheeks after prolonged use, suggesting that the default facial interface may not suit everyone. To address this, users have recommended third-party straps and facial interfaces, such as the BoboVR, Kiwi, or AMVR, which can provide additional comfort and better weight distribution.

Performance and Display

Equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 processor and 8GB RAM, the Meta Quest 3 delivers robust performance for a variety of applications

It features a higher-resolution display compared to its predecessor, offering a 2064 x 2208 resolution per eye, which significantly enhances visual clarity for VR experiences. The improved display and processor have been praised for their ability to handle demanding VR games and applications with better graphics and smoother frame rates.

Mixed Reality Capabilities

The Quest 3 integrates full-color passthrough and mixed reality features, allowing users to blend virtual and real-world elements. This has opened up new possibilities for professional use, such as collaborative design and visualization. However, the content and applications in the mixed reality domain are still developing, and some users may find the current offerings limited.

Battery Life and Charging

Battery life remains a concern for the Meta Quest 3, with users reporting approximately 2-3 hours of use on a single charge, which may not be sufficient for long work sessions. The headset takes about 2.3 hours to charge using the included 18W adapter. This has led some users to consider external battery packs or counterweights to extend usage time and improve comfort.

User Experiences

Users have generally had positive experiences with the Meta Quest 3, noting its improved comfort, performance, and mixed reality capabilities

The headset has been described as a significant upgrade from the Quest 2, with clearer visuals and a more balanced design that makes it suitable for longer VR sessions. While some users have encountered issues such as fan noise and lens overlap, these seem to be isolated cases. The consensus is that the Quest 3 is a fantastic standalone VR headset that justifies its price point, especially when compared to its predecessor and other high-end models like the Quest Pro. In summary, the Meta Quest 3 stands out as a top-rated VR headset for 2024, offering a compelling mix of affordability, performance, and mixed reality experiences. Its design improvements and hardware upgrades make it a strong contender for both VR enthusiasts and professionals looking for a versatile and immersive VR solution.


  • Affordability: The Meta Quest 3 is significantly less expensive than the Apple Vision Pro, making it a more accessible option for individuals and businesses.
  • Performance: It boasts a higher-resolution display and a faster processor compared to its predecessor, the Quest 2, enhancing the clarity and smoothness of the VR experience.
  • Mixed Reality Capabilities: The Quest 3 offers mixed reality experiences, blending the virtual and real worlds seamlessly, which can be beneficial for various professional applications.
  • Comfort: It is noted for being more comfortable and lighter than previous models, which is crucial for extended use in a work setting.


  • Battery Life: The battery life is reported to be less than ideal, which could be a limitation for long work sessions without access to charging.
  • Limited Mixed Reality Content: While it has mixed reality capabilities, the content and applications in this area are still developing and may not fully meet professional needs.
  • Comfort Accessories: Some comfort issues may require additional purchases, like an upgraded head strap, to fix.

Immersed Visor

The Immersed Visor is generating considerable excitement within the virtual reality (VR) community, particularly among professionals looking for a work-focused VR solution. As the release date approaches in 2024, expectations are high, with users and industry observers keenly anticipating its impact on the VR landscape for productivity and professional use.

Design and Comfort

The Immersed Visor is heralded for its lightweight design, which is a significant departure from the bulkier headsets currently dominating the market. Weighing less than a smartphone, the Visor promises a comfort-first design that could redefine the standards for extended VR use in professional settings. Its resemblance to sunglasses or smart glasses, rather than traditional VR headsets, suggests a focus on wearability and ease of use throughout the workday. This design philosophy addresses one of the most common criticisms of current VR technology: the discomfort associated with wearing a heavy device for long periods. The optional backstrap for improved comfort further indicates Immersed’s commitment to creating a user-friendly experience.

Performance and Display

With twin 4K micro OLED displays, the Immersed Visor aims to offer unparalleled visual clarity, which is crucial for tasks requiring attention to detail. The high-resolution displays, combined with a 100-degree field of view and HD color passthrough, are expected to deliver a crisp and immersive visual experience that surpasses what’s available on the market at the moment5. This focus on high-quality visuals is particularly appealing to professionals who rely on visual fidelity for their work, such as designers, architects, and engineers.

User Expectations and Concerns

Despite the excitement, there are some concerns and tempered expectations within the community. The Visor’s focus on professional use means it may not cater to the broader VR market, including gaming and entertainment. Additionally, as a new entry into the hardware market by a company previously known for software, there are questions about the maturity of the platform and the level of support and content that will be available at launch. Users are also curious about the performance of the Visor’s lenses and how they will compare to other high-end VR headsets. There is a hope that the lenses will offer a wide sweet spot and high-quality visuals, but without concrete details, some are managing their expectations. In summary, the Immersed Visor is poised to make a significant impact on the VR industry, particularly for professional and productivity-focused users. Its lightweight design, high-resolution displays, and focus on comfort set it apart from existing options. However, as with any new technology, there are uncertainties and concerns that will only be addressed once the Visor is officially released and users can evaluate its performance firsthand.


  • Design for Work: Specifically designed for professional use, the Immersed Visor is optimized to run its VR desktop app, focusing on productivity.
  • Lightweight: It is significantly lighter than other headsets, which is beneficial for long work periods.
  • High-Resolution Displays: With twin 4K micro OLED displays, it offers sharp and clear visuals that are essential for detailed work.


  • Limited General Use: The Immersed Visor is designed exclusively for professional use and may not be suitable for other VR experiences like gaming or entertainment.
  • Early Stage: As a new entry into the hardware market, there may be concerns about the maturity of the platform and the availability of support.

Apple Vision Pro

The Apple Vision Pro has been a topic of much discussion and anticipation since its announcement. As Apple’s foray into the mixed-reality headset market, it represents a significant step forward in spatial computing, blending augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences. Here’s a closer look at what users have experienced with the Apple Vision Pro, based on expert reviews and user feedback.

Design and Comfort

The Apple Vision Pro is noted for its high-quality build and design, featuring a sleek and futuristic look. However, comfort seems to be a mixed bag among users. Some find the headset comfortable for short periods, but others report discomfort during longer sessions, particularly noting that it feels top-heavy and can press uncomfortably on the cheeks. Despite these issues, the inclusion of two headband options aims to distribute weight more evenly and enhance comfort.

Performance and Display

One of the most praised aspects of the Apple Vision Pro is its display quality. The headset boasts amazing micro-OLED displays, offering an immersive and visually stunning experience. Users are impressed by the clarity and detail of the visuals, whether they’re watching movies, playing games, or exploring AR apps. The eye-tracking interface is smooth and intuitive, allowing for seamless navigation and interaction within the virtual space.

User Experience and Applications

The Apple Vision Pro offers a range of applications and experiences, from entertainment to productivity tools. Users appreciate the ability to use familiar iOS apps in a new, immersive way, and the headset’s compatibility with MacBooks is highlighted as a magical feature. However, the availability of VisionOS-optimized apps is still limited, and some notable apps like Netflix and YouTube are missing at launch. Despite these limitations, the AR apps that are available provide jaw-droppingly convincing experiences that excite users about the potential of spatial computing.

Concerns and Limitations

Despite its innovative features, the Apple Vision Pro is not without its drawbacks. The high price point is a significant barrier for many potential users, making it a luxury item rather than a mainstream device. Additionally, the external battery and cord required for use can be cumbersome and detract from the overall experience. Some users also find the Digital Persona feature, which animates the user’s eyes on the outside of the headset, to be a bit creepy and in need of improvement. In conclusion, the Apple Vision Pro is a groundbreaking device that offers a glimpse into the future of computing and entertainment. Its high-quality display, intuitive controls, and potential for immersive experiences are highly praised by users. However, its high cost, comfort issues, and the current limitations in app availability are significant considerations for potential buyers. As the technology evolves and the ecosystem around the Vision Pro grows, it will be interesting to see how these challenges are addressed and how the device’s adoption expands beyond early adopters and tech enthusiasts.


  • High-Quality Display: Features a high-resolution display for clear and detailed visuals important for professional tasks.
  • Advanced Sensors: Multiple cameras, microphones, and sensors provide a high level of interactivity and immersion.
  • Controller-Free Operation: Gesture and eye movement controls can streamline tasks and make the experience more intuitive.


  • High Cost: The Vision Pro’s price point is significantly higher than other VR headsets, which may be prohibitive for some users and businesses.
  • Short Battery Life: Limited battery life could be a major drawback for professionals needing extended use.
  • Comfort: The front-heavy design may become uncomfortable over time, affecting productivity during longer sessions

In conclusion, each of these VR headsets has its strengths and weaknesses when it comes to work and productivity. The Meta Quest 3 offers a balance of performance and affordability, the Immersed Visor is tailored for professional use with high-resolution displays, and the Apple Vision Pro provides advanced features at a premium price. Users should consider their specific needs, budget, and the type of work they intend to perform in VR when choosing between these headsets.

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