Salesforce Chatter Triggers

by | Apr 23, 2013 | Apex,, Salesforce | 5 comments

Today I wanted to create an app that would allow me to add my activity so that I can analyse my time at a future date. I started my trusty IDE to start mocking up the idea when I had to step back for a moment and think there must be a simpler way to do this.

I use Salesforce for managing my projects and I usually post chatter messages to myself and others. What if I could post a custom # message that would be intercepted and posted to a custom object.

No problem… I created a custom object called Activity:


Then all you need to do is go to Customize > Chatter > Triggers and add a new trigger on the Feed Item.It’s then a matter of looking for a #activity tag in the feed item body, pulling the entry out and inserting it into my Activity custom object.

   1:  trigger ActivityPost on FeedItem (after insert) {
   2:      for (FeedItem f :
   3:      {
   4:          if (f.Body.startsWith('#activity')) {
   5:              funcoder__Activity__c a = new 
                                 funcoder__Activity__c (
   6:                  Name = f.Body.replace('#activity','')
   7:              );
   9:              insert a;
  10:          }
  11:      }
  12:  }

Now just go and enter a chatter message, for example #activity Developed an activity application in Salesforce.

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